If I had a nickel for every cat character I know named morgana I would have like 2 nickels
If I had a nickel for every cat character I know named morgana I would have like 2 nickels
Her name's origin actually goes way deeper than P5 Morgana huehue
Why use a gun when you can throw bricks instead?
Ur right, they should just get stronger throwing arms
How I look at the dried half of a lemon in a ziploc bag when I open the fridge (there has been no new shopping for 3 weeks)
Man at that point that’s how you’d be looking at all the fruit in your fridge.
I feel like if I took a bite out of this thing it wouldn't make a dent like hyper advanced memory foam
inch, the eternal worm
The barber messed him up he's gotta go bald
His head would literally just be a circle like all my others.
Bugs be like "I know a spot" and then show you this
This happened to me last week!
What is this thing cause I like it
It's my sona! TY c:
The guy she tells me not to worry about vs me
gonna go ahead and assume that's you on the left there
I don't know how to explain it but the lineart is wet
thank you so fucking much that's exactly what i want
You've just bestowed apon me and idea that cannot be reckoned with
my mission has been accomplished o7
All in all you're just a tennis ball up against the wall
Goat thing
Soap eating
Joined on 1/12/24